As an investment advisory firm that provides services to individual and institutional clients, Curbstone Financial Management Corporation makes each client the center of the wealth management process.

Understanding clients’ goals
The process begins as we help clients identify their financial goals. We ask questions and listen carefully. We foster an open dialogue to understand not just a client’s financial and investment goals, but also the reasons behind their goals. We develop a close, ongoing relationship that enables us to plan thoughtfully as we customize and adjust our investment strategies to meet what may be changing goals.

Comprehensive and integrated investment planning
We take a disciplined approach to investing and creating diversified portfolios that balance risk and return while meeting a client’s individual circumstances and requirements. This process includes four key steps:

  • Identifying return requirements, risk tolerance, and the time horizon
  • Creating a customized and dynamic investment blueprint
  • Constructing a diversified portfolio that considers risk and return, asset allocation, cost, liquidity, and tax efficiency
  • Monitoring achievement of portfolio goals for potential asset allocation rebalancing and appropriate new investment opportunities

Optimized asset allocation strategies
We use a three-dimensional asset allocation approach—dynamic, strategic, and tactical—to create a diversified portfolio that matches predetermined risk and return parameters. State-of-the-art research tools and proprietary models enable us to completely customize asset allocation within the three dimensions to optimize risk/reward within a client’s portfolio.

Proven investment values
Based on our decades of experience as investment advisers, we:

  • Believe discipline is the key to superior performance and meeting each client’s goals
  • Maintain a strong buy-and-sell discipline and are not influenced by fads or prevailing market sentiment
  • Take a long view of the market and believe in owning a diversified portfolio of securities that offer well-above-average expected returns relative to their risk factors

Custodial safekeeping of client investments
Curbstone Financial Management Corporation holds no client assets in company accounts. All client accounts are held by custodian Charles Schwab in the legal name of the account holder. The custodian reports independently to the account holder of record, providing an audit of all transactions.

Clients execute limited power of attorney to allow a Curbstone Financial Management investment manager to execute trades on behalf of the account holder. Any withdrawal from the account must be authorized by the client of record.